How do social media create content?

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Your success on social media platforms completely depends on the content you are posting. Creating effective and highly engaging content is a challenging task nowadays. It’s competitive, engaging and attractive to grab your targeted audience's attention in one go. To overcome these hurdles, you need to mix the content type while preparing your content strategies. When you include different types of content in your marketing strategy, you’ll experience more engagement from your audiences.

Here are a few types of social media content with some advantages and disadvantages in it. You’ll learn how to produce them and the best platform for your content.

Written post, blog, article and many more


Advantages: These articles demonstrate your company’s experience and expertise. It also shows the brand value of your company. It helps you to enhance your brand’s credibility and reputation using social media platforms.

Disadvantages: since it’s a competitive world, you need to be very creative while creating blogs. Writing needs new ideas which require a lot of time to think. When you are explaining complicated topics it requires both creativity and ideas as well so viewers can understand your point very easily.

Best Platform: Social media includes Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Snapchat etc. But for these types of content Facebook and LinkedIn are perfect as it contains around 1500 words articles. Twitter is also a good platform but it allows limited word count to post. You can share the source link on twitter or a short snippet. It drives traffic to your website and chances will increase for your company’s growth.

Links to external content

Advantages: When you are running short of time while writing an article or blog, you can simply attach the external links for the related topics. It saves your time and probably you can use it somewhere else. Always remember, attach the link to those resources that you trust.

Disadvantages: The link you are adding to your content is not actually your own content. You are allowing your audience to visit other websites which will gradually increase their business but not yours. In short you are opening the door for someone instead of yours. Readers are actually searching online for the best content and they opt for the best sources that provide more information than yours. You need to be very sure that your content must be more effective and creative than others. However it consumes more time but this is the only way to engage your audience on your platform.

Best Platform: Facebook and LinkedIn are the best options from social media platform lists to add links to your content. However, Twitter is the secondary option for external link content.



Advantages: An image is one of the best forms of marketing that engage audiences rather than blogs or articles. People are very busy with their hectic daily schedule. They barely have much time to read any article or blog. They prefer to watch an image which is more convenient for them. Most of the audiences are using smartphones which take stunning pictures and by using an app they edit the clicked picture, add filters to them and many more options available to grab the audience's attention.

Disadvantages: Image focused platform like Instagram, it requires high quality images which is not possible to click by simple smartphones. You can apply any filters or edit as much as you can. At last their picture quality is lower than any other competitors. To survive in this competitive world, you need a professional camera and high cost software to be in race. It is time consuming too.

Best Platform: Image works very well on almost every social media platform but Instagram and Pinterest are the best platforms. Platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, and LinkedIn are alternative options. Images can be attached to blog posts which will improve engagements and drive sales. 



Advantages: Video is the most engaging content on social media platforms. Capturing video is very easy and convenient. It is more engaging and effective than a picture. People prefer to watch videos instead of reading an article or watching images. Viewers will understand the concept very easily. A great video content drives traffic to your website and increases sales as well.

Disadvantages: It requires less expense to record a short video but it also costs a huge amount when you have to shoot a high production video. It consumes more time and effort than other content. High quality videos are good for social media. 

Best Platform: As we all know, YouTube is the biggest platform for video content. But for shorter videos Instagram is the king. Videos also perform well on Facebook.

Live Videos


Advantages: These are the unique features nowadays on social media platforms. It brings all the audiences at one place who are not able to attend your events physically. And the most importantly, if somehow you missed that event, you can still watch live streams later.

Disadvantages: To stream live videos, you must have an event. You can’t operate on your own. You need someone to operate cameras or other devices and talk. And the most important part for live videos is high speed internet or WIFI connection to stream without interruption. If internet speed is slow, there may be a chance to stop your video or buffer for a while which results in poor quality video.

Best Platform: Facebook Live is the most popular platform nowadays. Instagram is the second option. Facebook or Instagram,  which has more followers you have, will be the best platform to stream live videos.

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