A Great First Impression

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First Impression


When did you last commit to making a good first impression? We often think of the first appearance as something we use for job interviews and early days, however, your road to success and success (no matter how you describe success) is paved with sincere efforts to create a series of positive brands.

Recently, I was invited to speak with one of the largest and most successful companies in Virginia. The audience was a combination of experienced professionals and dedicated young representatives.

One regular exercise I do with a large audience I ask them to imagine what they are going to do at Carnegie Hall in New York City. They are one of the world's leading artists, and they will be performing for the benefit of the audience.

What do you think would happen if they stepped on the stage wearing a gym suit instead of wearing formal attire? Will that affect the way the audience views them?

At the performance of tonight, we call the famous Frank Sinatra. I had the honor of playing with Frank Sinatra, and the one thing the orchestra agreed was that he was determined to make an amazing first impression.

Frank Sinatra came out of the stage with a big smile on his face, standing tall and straight, wearing a black tuxedo that matched the perfection. He connected with his audience, making them feel as if he were singing to them in his living room and were honored guests. The audience was delighted with Sinatra.

One example of success everyone can use in his or her world today is simply to smile and dress appropriately. Also, stand or sit tall, do not pass.

Tap on your inner "Wow"

I asked my audience to imagine they had just sold a half-dollar item. (and they get a good commission as they are Realtors).

Each of them stood shoulder to shoulder, making eye contact, and speaking with obvious enthusiasm.


The way you behave creates an image in people's minds. Your prospect does not know if you sold everything you touched 72 hours ago or if you feel like you could not close the ziplock bag at this time ... other than the way you present yourself.

To illustrate: Make it a practice to express yourself confidently.

To be an insightful compliment.

One of the best examples of the power of commendation came from Dr. George W. Crane's psychology class at Northwestern University. Dr. Crane believed in the application of his teachings, not just in the subject of his studies.

He founded the Compliment Club. Every day his disciples had to pay honestly to each of the three different people ... 30 days in a row. He also got the students to write about the experience.

Dr. Crane requires students to write a theme paper about their experiences. He wanted them to see the changes they had seen in the people around them, and how this experience changed their perspective.

The students realized that by praising others they knew, they were motivated, motivated, and motivated as well. Dr. Crane believed that words of appreciation are the most powerful force in the world.

Everyone in life needs positive encouragement to help them grow, motivate and motivate them to succeed.

Take: recommend three people every day for the next week and be aware of how your health is improving.

You will also find that the more you compliment, the better you will be able to communicate.

Everyone loves to talk about her. Asking the right questions about the people you meet on a daily basis will deepen your relationship with them and will even help to reveal a few "hidden customers".

No matter what your job is, keep a positive attitude, think of your height, dress well, compliment someone every day, and keep track of what happens on a daily basis!

Training yourself to give honest commendation to others opens the door to a much better future. By talking to people, you would not talk to them, you would be expanding your circle and building new and stronger relationships.

Madeline Frank, Ph.D., DTM is Amazon Amazon's best-selling author, speaker, business owner, teacher, John Maxwell Group Member, concert artist and parent. Helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Business". His look shows you the blue drawings needed to improve and keep your business successful. His latest book, "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget", is available at every bookstore. If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com

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